
Recent News on Mokhus and selected Partners and Affiliates


Mokhus Updates

1-31-12:Mokhus holds Roundtable on the world economy and U.S. real estate market with head of real estate for Sciens Capital

1-11-12:Mokhus Holds Roundtable on debt markets and "use of bridge loans to maximize equity returns" with Principals from Winter Fund. We already know from experience that Winter is among the best in the business. We wanted to know how they do it. One word: Discipline

12-15-11:Mokhus kicks off its Roundtable Series! First Guest: CEO of Gemini
Mokhus Roundtable Discussions are private discussions with specially selected industry players who share our vision and philosophy and are on their way to high achievement in private equity, real estate or other areas of the investment business. These are in-house discussions, but we sometimes open a few seats to special friends. The discussions are off-the-record, which encourages an actual dialogue on real issues of the day. Stay tuned for more!

11-29-11:Douglas B. Smith joins Mokhus as Vice President for the Southwest Region: Press Release

11-15-11:We welcome three new financial analysts for the Fall and Winter term of 2011-12.

11-10-11The Mokhus Associates Program M.A.P. is now officially in place, with the cooperation of area business schools and participation of their respective MBA students. A Proficiency Profile for MAP Members is a new feature included with their background information.

Selected Partners News

March 1, 2013: Gemini's Jade Hotel Opens in Greenwich Village:Jade Hotel




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